Learn to ride and cycle skills for children at Peacehaven Cycle Hub, Big Park on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September provided by East Sussex County Council in partnership with Sustrans.

Monday 10-11am is Learn to ride for children 5-10 years old. If they have never ridden a bike before or they need a bit more practice and encouragement, then come along and the children will be taught how to ride. They have bikes available for all sizes and experienced staff will help learn through games and skills.
Monday 11.30-12.30pm is bike skills for children 7-10 years old a fun hour of bike games and skills where we will balance, race, swerve and slalom to see who is the fastest, slowest or most able to get through the obstacle course!

Tuesday 11.30-12.30 is Bike skills for beginners. If they've just learnt how to ride a bike and they would like to practice their bike skills join us for a fun hour of bike games and skills.
Sustrans staff are experienced in helping people learn to ride, they are the custodians of the national cycle network and they love introducing people to the joys of cycling. They work in local schools and are extending the opportunity to learn to ride into the summer holidays.
For more info email ania.woodgate@sustrans.org.uk