CPRE Sussex invites you to join landscape designers and planting experts for a free practical planting session to bring green and healthy plants to the Bristol Estate in Kemp Town on 17th/18th Feb.

CPRE Sussex has funding to plant up three areas at Bristol Estate: over 12,000 plants in total, including:
1600 daffs & 7,000 snowdrops ‘in the green’ (bulb with green leaves still in place)
500 other spring flowers
300 woody shrubs
3000 wildflower/ herbaceous plugs
Help them rewild parts of the estate to bring in wildlife, help support trees being planted and to green up the space. They are working in partnership with Bristol Estate Leaseholders & Tenants Association and Brighton & Hove City Council.
You will learn how to plant trees to give them the best start, plus what you can do to look after them so they thrive.
This is not a drop-in session for health & safety reasons; they will start promptly at 11.00am with a safety talk but you don’t need to stay for the whole session.
All materials and tools will be provided, but do make sure you dress for the weather and bring gardening gloves. If you have hand tools or bulb planters, these will be useful. They hope to be able to provide hot drinks, but do come prepared with enough food and drink to keep you sustained for the day – some of the planting will be hard work!
Please meet at:
Bristol Estate Community Room, 146a Donald Hall Rd, Brighton BN2 5DJ
Your session lead is: Helen Manson
Phone contact (please only use on the day): 07849 263172
If you have any other questions, just get in touch: info@cpresussex.org.uk
Find out more and book your place here: Bulb Planting at Bristol Estate, Brighton | Eventbrite