Hospitable Environment invite you to their first Soup & Social of 2023 next Thursday 12th January 6.30-8.30pm, Hillcrest Centre. Join them for a free meal and community conversation and help us reimagine areas of our town.

They have been awarded a creative residency with Co-Lab at the University of Sussex - part of a wider project called Resilient Cities.
Together you’ll be reimagining some of our public spaces in Newhaven, and feeding our ideas back to the Lewes District Council Regeneration team, as well as contributing to an exhibition and publication about the Co-Lab residency.

Please join them. Come share your ideas.
See you next Thursday @hillcrestcentre 6.30-8.30. Bring your friends and family, meet the neighbours. Looking forward to seeing you.
For more information go to www.instagram.com/p/Cm9gxh9IVKW/?hl=en