Newhaven's new theatre company Ignite Theatre is showcasing its Christmas show 'A Grandma's Grimm' a musical, story-theatre extravaganza from 8th-18th December. Tickets are on sale from £5-£10 through ticketsource or at the SCDA charity shop in Newhaven high street.

Expect golden apples, frog princesses and spinning wheels - all in praise of the Grandmothers who gave their stories to the Brother's Grimm. Written and directed by Xanthe Gresham Knight with music from Kate Daisy Grant

Also including 'The Breman Town Musicians' from Haven Young Creative, directed by Siou Hanamm and the Norcross Dancers choreographed by Alison Norcross.
Matinee shows at 1pm on the 10th, 11th, 17th and 18th December.
Evening shows at 7pm on the 8th, 9th and 16th December.
For more information go to
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