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Newhaven free creative workshop 4th Feb - Dreamer, Editor, Maker

Hospitable Environment is hosting a free creative workshop on 4th Feb, 10am and 3pm at the Hillcrest Centre focussed on re-designing Newhaven and creating new spaces. The ideas created will be passed on to the people who are involved in the regeneration of Newhaven, and suggestions will be considered in their planning.

All ages and abilities welcome. Come and get stuck in. Join them for the morning or afternoon session - or both!

Hospitable Environment CIC is a community-based arts company who run creative events in and around Newhaven. They have been awarded a creative residency with Co-Lab at the University of Sussex and the work they produce together as a community at these events will feed into an exhibition and publication. Please share your ideas and contributions!

Food and refreshments will be provided.

The Hillcrest is an accessible venue with free parking and level access, but please do contact them if you have any questions or need assistance attending this event.


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