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Newhaven Green Centre weekly tips: the end of Christmas

Newhaven Green Centre has some great tips for recycling and reusing all your unwanted Christmas items including Christmas cards and wrapping paper. You could reuse wrapping paper for next year's presents and use the cards for gift tags - but there is likely to be lots left over still.

The District Council has lots of good advice and also updated recycling / refuse collections until the catch-up from Christmas is over. Details here.

Most wrapping paper and cards is recyclable, apart from glittery, plastic, or metallic paper. Use the Scrunch Test to check – scrunch the wrapping paper up in your hand, and if it stays scrunched up then its recyclable. Also, the metallic paper is often very good for reusing.

Ribbons, bows, and other decorations are not usually recyclable, but they can often be removed and saved for next year.

Save space in your recycling bin by flattening cardboard packaging first and squashing plastics and tins.

Make sure any bits of food are removed from foil, paper or plastic packaging before you recycle it.

You can take any extra household refuse or recycling to your local Household Waste Recycling Site.

For information about the Newhaven site on New Road, including what they take and opening hours, go here.

Unfortunately you do need a car to access most of the site - but there are a few bins at the entrance where you can leave electrical items, small amounts of garden waste, cardboard, wood, glass and a general recycling bin.

And if you had a real Christmas tree, the Newhaven collection point is the Bay Vue Road carpark (by the Hillcrest Centre).

For more information about Newhaven Green Centre go here.


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