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Saltdean and Rottingdean Patient Participation Group diary dates

The Saltdean and Rottingdean Patient Participation Group (PPG), for those registered with St Lukes Surgery in Saltdean and Saltdean And Rottingdean Medical Practice, meets at 6.15pm on the first Tuesday in the months of March (1st), June (7th), September (6th) and December (6th).

The group meeting will include a guest speaker who will talk on the theme of Body and Soul: how to boost our physical, emotional, mental and social well-being without doctors or medication.

On 1 March the guest speaker will be the captivating performance poet Patrick Bond who says:

"My talk’s title is "Poems Out Loud". I will entertain and engage all of you for about 20 minutes.

"As a writer and expert in English poetry and creative writing, I have been reading poems out loud to a Woodingdean group for years. I have taken small groups out to forests and nature reserves, encouraged discussion and participation..

"Poetry is for all, and can carry all human experience. Poems are most effective when

absorbed as sound, not silent print. Poems are full of music and rhythm, and they are shaped containers for emotion. Everyone can write poems. Words are creative and dynamic forces. They celebrate life in all its aspects, happy and sad, dark and light, comic and epic. They empower people by opening doors in the imagination. Hearing poems outdoors, in nature, is a completely new experience.

"Poems shed new light on life. They give voice to a person’s unique reality. They hold difficult experiences and allow new insights. They reduce the loneliness of being human. They energise your sense of yourself and open new horizons."

The aim of the PPG is to represent patients’ views and cross barriers, embracing diversity and to work in partnership with the surgery to improve common understanding.

Other 2022 diary dates

  • Friday 4 March. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening in surgery. Call 01903 843 834 to book.

  • Thursday 24 March. Rottingdean in Bloom AGM, 7pm Rottingdean Whiteway Centre. Discover why joining this marvellous local green group is so good for body and soul!

Want to join or just know more about your PPG?

  • When in the surgery, view the PPG notice-board and table, or

  • Email, or

  • Turn up at a meeting in the surgery: all welcome -- see dates above


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