Saltdean Community Christmas Carols 2022 is on Friday, 23 December 2022 and they'll be meeting at the entrance to the Undercliff Walk Tunnel at 6:00pm, where there will be live music, a pop-up choir, and communal carols.

They'll then move their way through the Oval Park, still singing, across Saltdean Vale and up Lustrells Vale, where they'll end at Cafe Salt for mulled wine, mince pies, more carols, and more live music.
Absolutely EVERYBODY is welcome, irrespective of religious beliefs. Please share with all your local friends and family and bring them along too, but do DRESS WARMLY!
Please could you DOWNLOAD the carol lyrics beforehand, to print out or scroll through on your smart phone. You'll find them on the front page of the Brighton Music lessons teaching website at: