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The XII exhibition in Kemptown of local contemporary artists

The XII exhibition at Koop Projects in Kemptown runs from August 16th to the 28th, 11-5 every day, showing the work of 12 local contemporary artists full of fun and lively creations including sculptures, paintings, prints, wall hangings and books of original art.

This is the first time such an exhibition has happened in Kemptown at the beautiful gallery Koop Projects, (@koopprojects), 93 St Georges Road, right in the very heart of Kemptown village.

Koop Projects is a gallery in the heart of Kemptown that is "collaborative and community-focused, looking to foster conversations between artists in Africa and their counterparts in and around Brighton".

Susan White, Kemptown Arts Association, "For two weeks in August when she was going to be away, the owner wanted the gallery to be used so she contacted the Kemptown Arts Association to ask if any artists might enjoy showing their work in the gallery, if we managed it all ourselves. We felt that the space could comfortably hold the work of twelve artists so that is how the name came about - the XII."


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