Peacehaven Town Council is hosting the first ‘Towards Zero Carbon Peacehaven’ event on Saturday 9th April from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to highlight and demonstrate the things – even the smallest of things – we can all do to help our town move Towards Zero Carbon.
This event, sponsored by Rampion Offshore Wind and supported by The Big Lemon, will see a wide variety of stalls and exhibitors including Dr Bike, Sustrans, Enterprise Car Club, Cycling Without Age, Community Orchard and Garden, Energy Champions, Ovesco, Plastic Free Peacehaven, Greenhavens, Water Refill, Sussex Air Conditioning & Heat Pumps, Sussex Wildlife Trust, Freegle, Lewes District Council, Water Blade and many more; and everyone will be on hand to explain how we can make small changes that will help make a difference.
Come along on to the Meridian Centre on Saturday 9th April from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and not only have a great day but learn more about what you can do to help Peacehaven move Towards Zero Carbon.
There will be a FREE Big Lemon ELECTRIC bus going round Peacehaven and Telscombe to bring you to the event. Dr Bike will be in Centenary Park and you can take a trishaw ride between the park and community house.
For more information, please call 01273 585493 or go to