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Your chance to respond to the draft Neighbourhood Plan

The draft Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NP) consultation ends on the 14th March so make sure you complete the 5-minute survey to have your say on the future of our towns. You can view the draft plan and complete the survey here:

Benefits of having a neighbourhood plan include more funding for both town councils; more of a say on the type and quality of housing being built; well-connected paths, streets and spaces; good green spaces in the right places; and keeping jobs, shops and money local.

Full benefits include:

  • Ability to apply for new grants – for example the High Street and Social Infrastructure Fund from the Department for Communities

  • Set Design Codes for new development to maintain and enhance the local character

  • The right to receive 25% of Community Infrastructure Levy on new developments

  • Set policies that developers are required to follow to obtain planning permission

  • Set out a vision for the area for the next ten years

  • Raise the profile of Peacehaven and Telscombe with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority

After all the comments are received from the survey they are collated, the NP amended if needed, and then this is submitted to the Lewes District Council for them to consult formally with neighbouring Councils and landowners.

Cathy Gallagher, Chair of Steering Group

Twitter: @TelscombePlan


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